Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Pasos Condenados

Me encuentro con una separación a mediados del camino entre donde comenzó todo y mi destino, y ambos parecen iguales, un reflejo de aquello que está al otro lado de la larga fila de árboles que se abre paso frente a mí, excepto que el agua que se ve a un lado de ellos parece más oscuro, más profundo que su gemelo. He tomado mi decisión antes de siquiera pararme a observar qué más hay a lo largo de cada flanco que tengo delante: la oscuridad del agua me atrae demasiado como para detenerme y fijarme en cualquier otra cosa que me rodea.
Y ahora cada paso que doy es medido, calculado teniendo en cuenta la condena a la que me someto cada vez que mi pie entra en contacto con el suelo de nuevo. Me enfrento a una fuerza que trata de echarme hacia atrás o mantener firmemente en mi posición siempre que tomo el primer respiro después de decidir en qué dirección será en el que avanzo. No hay vuelta atrás ni manera de escapar una vez empiezas por el camino de los malditos, simplemente se sigue hacía delante hasta encontrarse con aquello que nos espera desde que dejamos la marca de nuestros zapatos en el sendero que ahora recorremos.
Sólo puedo darte un consejo antes de que empieces a caminar: ten cuidado por dónde pisas. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Resting Angel

We fall, one by one, blinded by the darkness that slowly engulfs us, taking away every trace of us that there has ever been, marking us all so that we may be forgotten as easily as we give in to sleep after a long day.
But around you there is no darkness, only a halo of pale light that brings out the ever-changing tones of your eyes. You create art with every step you take, effortlessly changing the lives of those you speak to, your ever-lasting light staying by their side for an eternity after you leave.
You see the tragedies that surround and make every effort that you possibly can to amend them, and in certain ways you seem to be an angel; but we all know that even they battle demons every now and then. You hide them, hoping that you can fend them off with no help from anyone, praying that there will be no need for any of the people you reach to know.
You gently slip yourself into bed, begging your mind to rest for one night, to forget all the questions that race through your mind every night even though that it's impossible to find the answer to most of them.
Rest, dear angel, lay your head on my shoulder as I keep your devil at bay tonight.

Monday, 18 April 2016


Knock, knock, knock.  
You wipe the tears that had begun to slip down your cheek like a raindrop on a car window. You turn and open the door, hoping that I don't notice that you've cried.  
But I see it, I feel it. The way you breathe and the thinly veiled sad smile, the colour of your eyes and the heaviness of your words when you speak give it away like a wet pavement let's us know that it's either raining or that it has been recently. 
You look me in the eyes, wordlessly guiding me, telling me exactly what I need to do as another tear rolls down your cheek. My hand reaches out, gently caressing your face as my thumb erases any trace of that tear. You lean your head into my supporting hand as you grab onto my wrist and pull me closer to you. 
Before either of us knows it, we're locked in a tight embrace that seems to last forever, and even then it isn't enough. Neither of us says anything when we finally break the hug. We both know that no amount of words can make this any easier or change what's about to happen. Our final farewell is upon us, and we accept it. 
Goodbye, my dear friend.